Neelakantha Meditation
What is Neelakantha Meditation?
In the heart of every human being resides a source place of pure absolute consciousness. As we practice Neelakantha meditation we access this source place and bathe in the qualities of the absolute: wholeness, purity, bliss, and love. As result of our daily meditation, the essence of these qualities become increasingly more accessible in our lives.
Neelakantha meditation works progressively with the natural tendencies of the body-mind to move our awareness from the outward superficial activity of the mind to the inward more subtle, restful yet more potent structures of the subtle body where there is deep nourishment and restoration. Over time, as we steep in this nourishing, healing space we release negative habit patterns and cultivate our own unique talents and gifts. Through this very simple elegant practice we become better versions of our very own selves!
Naturally Neelakantha mediation shifts one’s attention toward their strength, wisdom, and resiliency and allows this to be powerfully felt infusing life with clarity and potency.
Neelakantha meditation works with the natural qualities of our mind which does NOT require that we stop our thoughts or apply any special renouncements or austerities at the surface of life. It is meant to be used by householders or those living in the world, not by monks or renunciates. As a practice meant to serve householders, it enhances life; it is a natural and potent process that deeply benefits our body, mind, and nervous system. We become more ourselves with greater access to our own innate talents and naturally become better at anything we point our attention toward!
We may not even be able to imagine how improved the circumstance of life can be with the addition of daily meditation. Through daily immersion in the silence we bring clarity, patience, compassion and love into our lives.
What are the benefits of the practice?
The benefits that are experienced as an individual practices are cumulative over time and different for everyone.
Some benefits expressed by other practitioners of Neelakantha Meditation:
“I feel steadier and more capable.”
“I feel like I am in the flow of life.”
“I am stronger and more resilient. I feel less anxious and less reactive. I am more compassionate. Life is more meaningful.”
“I feel that I cooperate with the natural patterns of life.”
How can I learn Neelakantha Meditation?
The practice of Neelakantha Meditation is a simple, yet profound practice that utilizes a special mantra selected specifically for you and is taught over a multiple day process of formal personal instruction.
The practice is based on the science of consciousness carefully and lovingly handed down one-to-one through formal personal instruction called, in Sanskrit, Dīkṣā. While rooted in the ancient teachings of the Śaiva-Śakta tradition, Neelakantha Meditation is not about any specific belief system or religious affiliation; as such, it does not require any specific affiliations or predispositions, nor does it require any pre-requisites or previous courses of study.
Tuition for learning Neelakantha meditation as taught in Blue Throat Yoga, including personal meditation instruction over multiple days with ongoing support from Amy and Blue Throat Yoga: $450 Regular tuition; $360 full-time students 26 and under and seniors over 75; there are scholarships available for those who need them. Payment plans are available.
For more information about Blue Throat Yoga please visit: www.bluethroatyoga.com
To register or for more information, please email Amy Eldredge at amyeldredgemeditation@gmail.com
The Process of Learning
Formal instruction consists of a 2-day process taught by an authorized teacher or Acharya of Neelakantha Meditation allowing a person to learn and experience the practice - “what we do” as well incorporate and integrate the understanding of the practice - “why we do what we do”, so that independence and autonomy are established at the outset. We will also outline the long-term support that is offered both through your teacher Amy Eldredge, as well as through the school of Blue Throat Yoga.
Day 1: (about 2.5 hours)
The Essentials
The Practice of the Practice
Personal Instruction (Initiation)
During day 1 teaching you will receive the basic introductory instructions you need to get started meditating and gain experience as meditate in the time before the instructions continue Day 2.
Day 2: (about 3 hours)
Theory of the Practice
Establishing a Regular Practice
Questions and Answers
On the subsequent day you will receive expanded teaching that will set the foundation of understanding of how the practice works naturally and effortlessly with the intrinsic characteristic of the body-mind.
As part of your tuition you can attend other day 2 teaching to re-inforce and gain deeper understanding of these important teachings.
By establishing this understanding of the practice, a person receives everything they need to establish a self-sufficient, life-long deep meditation practice!
When to Learn
Neelakantha Meditation Initiation dates:
Dates available as needed. Please contact me to inquire about scheduling.
Please contact Amy for date information.
Neelakantha Meditation Initiation Day 2:
Please contact me to inquire about upcoming dates.
Open to any current Neelakantha Meditation practitioner free of charge as part of your initial tuition; please email Amy for a zoom link.
Please contact Amy for for information and her most up-to date schedule of upcoming events.
About Blue Throat Yoga and Paul Muller-Ortega, Ph.D.
Blue Throat Yoga is a School for Deep Meditation Practice and Study, designed to help you establish great freedom and joy in daily life.
The Three Pillars of Blue Throat Yoga: Neelakantha Meditation, retreats, and study. Neelakantha Meditation, retreats, and study.establish a strong lifetime foundation for anyone seeking depth and profound growth in life.
Based on the daily practice of Neelakantha Meditation, you are invited to return home to your own heart, settling deeply inside to access the natural bliss, ease, and beauty of life itself. Neelakantha Meditation comes from the ancient Tantric teachings of Svatantra, the true freedom of Consciousness, and is offered by Master Teacher, Dr. Paul Muller-Ortega, as well as by the Authorized Teachers of Neelakantha Meditation located in the U.S. and abroad, in a perfectly contemporary form that supports and uplifts daily “householder” life.
Paul Muller-Ortega, Ph.D., the founder of Blue Throat Yoga, is an internationally recognized meditation teacher, and one of the world’s most highly respected academic scholars in the field of Indian Religion and Hindu Tantra.
Paul is passionate and devoted to teaching students how to access their truest Self, and to offering the knowledge base to understand and support that experience. He has led hundreds of meditation retreats, offered a vast array of study courses, translated and provided commentary on many of the most inspired sacred texts of the Śaiva-Śākta tradition, and has personally trained 49 ācāryas as Authorized Teachers of Neelakantha Meditation.
Paul is uniquely qualified to offer potent teachings, drawing upon the synergy of his long career as an academic scholar, his particular capacity to translate complex ideas and concepts into easily accessible and comprehensible understanding, and a personal history of deep meditation and extensive practice in the Śaiva-Śākta Tantra tradition.