Daily Spice Tea

Find a jar and fill with your favorite spices for a warm sweet anytime treat that is a great for your digestion. Balance your doshas and create the “just right mix” for each season. Refill when needed and adjust for exactly what you need.

I use:

ginger powder - great to kindle the agni/digestive fire

cinnamon - for sweetness and great for digestion

coriander - cooling and great for digestion … are you seeing the theme here? ;)

cardamom - cooling and kindling for the digestive fire

nutmeg - I love the flavor and it is calming and kindles the agni

ajwain - sharp and penetrating for gas or bloating (you may not need this)

fennel - cooling, grounding, and flavorful

saffron - a few strands to remind me of the sacredness of each and everyday

Sprinkle 1 tsp in a mug and fill with hot water. Steep 3-5 minutes. I like to sweeten with maple syrup or turbinado sugar and add whole milk and maybe even a little ghee if I need it.



Golden Milk


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